Saturday, July 01, 2006

Whoa! Another ganglion.

On Thursday, I noticed a little lump (1 cm in diameter) on my wrist (near the thumb.)

I didn't know what was it. I thought I could have sprained it. I thank you for all your prayers.

I got it checked this morning. It's a ganglion. To be specific, it's a volar wrist ganglion.

The ganglion is right on top of my artery and vein. So, if surgery is required, the surgeon has to be more careful. If it were not so, I can request all of you (my dear church members) to take turn whacking it with a Bible to burst it. Heh.

In 2 weeks' time, we shall know if surgery is required. Doctors do not know the cause of ganglions but they theorize that repetitive strain could be one factor.

Just found out that besides being known as Bible cyst, a ganglion is also known as Bible bumps or Gideon's disease for the unorthodox book-whacking treatment.

Do continue to pray for me. Thank you. May the Lord bless you richly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! It's so interesting about the ganglion (gang-lion)!

Now I know there are so many biblical names for this hidden 'lion'.

Let's submerge this this 'lion'!