Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Christian Tetris Effect

Taken from Christian Today.

by Lane Palmer, Guest Columnist
Posted: Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 11:23 (GMT)

Have you ever stopped to consider the amazing power of Tetris? It was invented over 20 years ago, and since then has dominated the world like a cascading stack of colored boxes. It was voted the second best video in history, and it even has a medical condition named after it! I'm serious - it's called the "Tetris Effect," and I'm willing to bet that some of you reading this suffer from this cybersickness.

Basically, the "Tetris Effect" happens when after playing the game for an hour or so, you still have the taunting little images falling through the brainwaves in your head - so you keep playing a mental version of the game. Another way it shows up is when you are at a grocery store and you see some boxes that might fit together better to make a row. I even heard of folks who will gaze at a beautiful downtown skyline, and instead of admiring the glass and steel human achievement, are instead thinking about how the buildings might be turned in a Tetris like fashion for a better position.

The most recent sign of the Tetris Effect showed up on (of course) You Tube. Two wildly popular videos pay tribute to the game in very bizarre ways. The first video is a clip from a Japanese game show where contestants have a huge wall with a blank Tetris shape approaching them at a pretty good pace. The contestants have to get themselves into whatever shape is coming their way to fit through, otherwise they get bashed into a pool of water...or some liquid...ewww.

The other video is a 'human Tetris' that has groups of people in different colored shirts coming down church pews just like the real version of the game. The player rearranges the groups of people so they can make rows and disappear.

Again, cybersickness at it's best.

The video of the church Tetris, though, really got me thinking. I sometimes wonder if God is a Tetris fan? What I mean is - maybe He's looking down at all the folks in church who just come and sit, and He'd love to rearrange them so they could fit together and accomplish something. The reason I think this might be true is because of something I recently read in the Bible about an important part of the Christian life called 'spiritual gifts'. Here's what I read:

God's various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! The variety is wonderful:

wise counsel

clear understanding

simple trust

healing the sick

miraculous acts


distinguishing between spirits


interpretation of tongues.

All these gifts have a common origin, but are handed out one by one by the one Spirit of God. He decides who gets what, and when. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

Just like the different people in different colored shirts, every Christian is given a different special ability called a 'spiritual gift' from the Holy Spirit that we need to use at church and anywhere else we have an opportunity. When we don't use them, it's like a Tetris round where the pieces just fall where ever, and the game is over quickly.

So are you ready to pick up the 'Christian Tetris Effect'? Can you picture where you fit into your church or youth group with your spiritual gift? Here are some ideas for you:

Do you like to serve? Then find a place to serve!

Are you a good listener and encourager? Then let people know you're available!

Do you enjoy helping get things organized? Then let your youth leader know! (Believe me, he or she will be very glad to get some help).

The power of Tetris is great, but believe me, the power of learning where you fit in with your spiritual gifts and using them to help others is one of the greatest powers the universe has ever seen.

Ready to play?

Head: What you need to know about this truth

When a person trusts in Christ as his/her only hope of salvation, the Holy Spirit gives them a unique ability called a spiritual gift that should be used to help fulfill God's plan for the church and the world.

Heart: What you need to feel about this truth

You should feel amazingly special and responsible. Amazingly special because God chose you to accomplish a mission on earth through your spiritual gift. Responsible because this is one of the main purposes to your life, and you will be judged on how well or not so well you used your gift.

Hands: What you need to do about this truth

One of the best ways to have a discussion about spiritual gifts is to talk about how you would react in a specific situation. For example, if a server spills someone's meal all over the restaurant floor and a group of Christians are sitting nearby, each individual will react differently based on his/her spiritual gift. The gift of mercy responds by helping to clean up the mess, the gift of giving offers to pay for another meal, the gift of exhortation seeks to cheer up the server. The gift of administration delegates and organizes the whole matter to avoid confusion. The gift of teaching suggests some ways to make sure the spill doesn't happen again, etc. Your spiritual gift makes you sensitive to certain needs that others may not see. Another way to get educated and get help with discovering your spiritual gift is to complete a spiritual gifts inventory. Talk to your pastor, youth leader, parent, or a mature Christian adult about where to find one and how to interpret the results.

Lane Palmer is the Youth Ministries Specialist for Dare 2 Share Ministries in Arvada, Colo., where he works with to provide resources for youth leaders and students. Dare 2 Share exists to energize and equip teens to know, live, share and own their faith in Jesus. For more information on Dare 2 Share Ministries or the GameDay youth conference tour, please visit www.dare2share.org. Send feedback to lane@dare2share.org. StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter


Chan Wen Jye shared his first message (I think) on Sunday.

I am particular interested in the part where he shared that we should not just look at a snapshot of our lives.

To give an illustration. Say we watch Cloverfield (I have not watch it, a friend told me he was disapponted.) And we expect to see the monster. We could hardly see it at all. So we say, the monster didn't appear at all. That will be wrong. We can catch glimpse of it at certain times.

God will fulfill his promises in his own way and his own time. Just like we cannot conclude there's no monster in Cloverfield based on certain point in the movie. We need to see the whole movie. God's way is higher than our way and his thoughts higher than ours.

David Chee pointed out that there were 13 to 14 years of uneventful / unrecorded period in Abram's life between chapter 16 and 17 of Genesis. Before this period, Abram listened to Sarai's suggestion and chose to try to help God.

God doesn't need our help. Man is mistaken if he thinks God needs any help. Abram being the spiritual head of the family should have relied on his faith and discern what should be done. When the advices or suggestions of ANYONE contradict God's instructions, we should not listen.

Either way, when we look past the 'photos' of Abram at 75, 85 and even 99 without a son, we can see the 'video' of his whole life where God fulfilled his promises to Abram / Abraham.

We should not look at a particular point in time. Our life is a long process (so to speak) of getting ready for heaven.

We will be worshipping God all days and all night. Why don't we start living that life now?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sermon Notes – Do You Trust In the Lord’s Promises (27 Jan 2008)

Do you Trust in the Lord's Promises?

Gen 15:1-6
这事以後,耶和华在异象中有话对亚伯兰说:「亚伯兰,你不要惧怕!我是你的盾牌,必大大的赏赐你。」(2) 亚伯兰说:「主耶和华啊,我既无子,你还赐我什麽呢?并且要承受我家业的是大马色人以利以谢。」 (3) 亚伯兰又说:「你没有给我儿子;那生在我家中的人就是我的後嗣。」(4) 耶和华又有话对他说:「这人必不成为你的後嗣;你本身所生的才成为你的後嗣。」
於是领他走到外边,说:「你向天观看,数算众星,能数得过来吗?」又对他说:「你的後裔将要如此。」 (6) 亚伯兰信耶和华,耶和华就以此为他的义。

Gen 15:1-6 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great." (2) But Abram said, "O Lord GOD, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?" (3) And Abram said, "Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir." (4) And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: "This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir." (5) And he brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." (6) And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.

God said he is Abram's shield. A shield blocks the enemies' attacks in the battlefield. Abram's just returned victorious over 4 kings (Chedorlaomer king of Elam, Tidal king of Goiim, Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar) with just 318 strongmen. What is the 4 kings retaliated? God assured Abram's of his protection and that he had nothing to fear. The 4 kings didn't attack Abram.

When Abram was asked what he wanted, he reminded God that he still didn't have an heir. He suggested Eliezer (which means God of help) to be the heir. God said Abram would have his own child. God let Abram to see the stars. Abram was 85. He probably could not see the stars clearly. But he looked at the stars not by sight but by faith. Abram believed God. In the original text, the word 'amen' (אתו) was used.

Doubt equals unrighteousness. It means depending on our own actions. Faith is righteousness. God delights in faith. God doesn't see how much we do but how much we believed.

We tend to forget God's promises and how he fulfilled his promises.

Some of his promises to Abram:

  1. Canaan land
  2. Heir like the stars
  3. Abram (high father) -> Abraham (father of multitude) to replace Adam (took forbidden fruit) and Noah (got drunk)
  4. Sarai (princess) -> Sarah (mother of many nations) to replace Eve and Noah's wife
  5. Circumcision

God delighted in Abram because of his faith not because of what he had done.

Gen 16:1-3
亚伯兰的妻子撒莱不给他生儿女。撒莱有一个使女,名叫夏甲,是埃及人。(2) 撒莱对亚伯兰说:「耶和华使我不能生育。求你和我的使女同房,或者我可以因他得孩子(得孩子:原文作被建立)。」亚伯兰听从了撒莱的话。 (3) 於是亚伯兰的妻子撒莱将使女埃及人夏甲给了丈夫为妾;那时亚伯兰在迦南已经住了十年。

Gen 16:1-3 Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar. (2) And Sarai said to Abram, "Behold now, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my servant; it may be that I shall obtain children by her." And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. (3) So, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her servant, and gave her to Abram her husband as a wife.

Here, Abram's disobedience paralleled Adam's fall in that he listened to the wife's suggestion which contradict God's command. They were in Canaan for 10 years. But that doesn't mean God was not doing anything. The fulfillment of God's promises is according to his time.

If Abram didn't follow Sarai's suggestion, would he have to wait 15 years to get a child? Perhaps God would see his faith and gave him a child earlier.

Sometime we kept our faith right until the last minute and gave up.

Gen 16:16-17:1
夏甲给亚伯兰生以实玛利的时候,亚伯兰年八十六岁。 (17:1) 亚伯兰年九十九岁的时候,耶和华向他显现,对他说:「我是全能的神。你当在我面前作完全人,

Gen 16:16-17:1 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram. (17:1) When Abram was ninety-nine years old the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless,

There was no division of chapters in the original Bible. There was no record of anything between the 13 years. Abram didn't know he did something wrong. Ishmael, the child of Abram and Hagar became the ancestor of the Arab nations. The Jews are still waiting for their Messiah (μεσσιαν). The Muslims are also awaiting their version of the Messiah.

When man bypassed God's commands and does according to his own will brings dire consequences. Adam's disobedience caused the fall of man. Abram's disobedience caused the fall of the chosen people. They now have a sworn enemy in another ethnic group. (Ps 83:5)

Human effort is not required to fulfill God's promises. God doesn't need our help to fulfill his promises. We are to follow God's timing.

We cannot use unscrupulous ways to reach a good goal. We are to trust and obey God. In Acts 5:9, Ananias and Sapphira gave the proceeds of the sale of their properties but they had dishonest intend. They died on the spot. It may look good but God knows.

We are to trust in God's wisdom.

Gen 17:1-2
亚伯兰年九十九岁的时候,耶和华向他显现,对他说:「我是全能的神。你当在我面前作完全人,(2) 我就与你立约,使你的後裔极其繁多。」

Gen 17:1-2 When Abram was ninety-nine years old the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless, (2) that I may make my covenant between me and you, and may multiply you greatly."

Almighty God, El Shaddai (אל שׁדי) denotes a God that can provide.

Gen 17:17-19
亚伯拉罕就俯伏在地喜笑,心里说:「一百岁的人还能得孩子吗?撒拉已经九十岁了,还能生养吗?」 (18) 亚伯拉罕对神说:「但愿以实玛利活在你面前。」 (19) 神说:「不然,你妻子撒拉要给你生一个儿子,你要给他起名叫以撒。我要与他坚定所立的约,作他後裔永远的约。

Gen 17:17-19 Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself, "Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?" (18) And Abraham said to God, "Oh that Ishmael might live before you!" (19) God said, "No, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his offspring after him.

In Gen 18, God's promise is clearer. In Gen 15, God promised Abram's descendents would be like the starts it the sky. In Gen 18, God revealed Abram would have a child called Isaac (יצחק) which means laughters (Gen 21:6).

We need to forget (stop depending on) what we can do and what we have to trust God.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Scientist trying to create life

A scientist 'created' or rather 'assembled' a genome.

On the previous Sunday, I shared about a 150 cell embryo cloned from the skin of two men. The embryo was 'killed.' But what if it was given a change to grow and mature?

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008

Scientist Creates Life — Almost

If you were setting out to design a human being from scratch, odds are you wouldn't take J. Craig Venter as your template. You wouldn't choose to put him at risk for Alzheimer's disease, for example, but Venter has a predisposition that places him in danger of it. You might choose his startling blue eyes, both for their color and the hard clarity of their gaze. You'd surely go for his first-rate brain, though you might pass on what his detractors consider the vainglorious temperament that comes bundled with it.

It's something of an irony then that such an imperfect organism as Venter has devoted much of his career to understanding the engineering of other organisms. He was the leader of one of two teams that in 2000 sequenced the human genome—the entire 25,000-gene cookbook that makes us people in the first place and not chimps or birds or banana trees — and he has conducted the same work with many other organisms. But Venter, 61, may have just done something that is at once more thrilling and promising and unsettling than all that. According to a just-released paper in the journal Science, he has gone beyond merely sequencing a genome and has designed and built one. In other words, he may have created life.

Certainly, defining what we mean when we say life has become a moving target over the years. Are we alive? Yes. Is a virus alive? Maybe. Still, a half-century after the discovery of the double helix, nobody doubts that it is our DNA that determines what we are — in the same way that lines of code determine software or the digital etchings on a CD determine the music you hear. Etch new signals, and you write a new song. That, in genetic terms, is what Venter has done. Working with only the four basic nucleotides that make up all DNA — adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine — he has assembled an entirely new chromosome for an entirely new one-celled creature. Insert that genome into a cell — like inserting a disc into a computer — and a new species of living thing will be booted up. Venter hasn't done that yet, which is why even he won't say that he has technically invented life. He has, however, already shown that a genome transplanted from an existing cell to another will shut down the host's genetic programming and bring its own online. If that cellular body-snatching works with an ordinary chromosome, there's little reason to think it won't with a manufactured one. "The fact that this is even possible is mind-boggling to most people," Venter says.

That's not an overstatement. The genome in Venter's lab in Rockville, Md., could revolutionize genetics, introducing a new world order in which the alchemy of life is broken down into the ultimate engineering project. Man-made genomes could lead to new species that churn out drugs to treat disease, finely tuned vaccines that target just the right lethal bug, even cells that convert sunlight into a biofuel.

Creating such small, single-purpose organisms is nowhere near as complex as creating larger, multicelled creatures — things with mobility, behavior, a purpose, a face. Those fanciful and frightful things are surely many years away and may prove too challenging and disturbing for society to allow. What Venter appears to have done, however, is crack the manufacturing code. Once you've done that, there may be little limit on what you can eventually build.

It was not always evident that Venter would become such a transformative figure — particularly when he was a boy. He was never a terribly engaged student (his 2007 autobiography, A Life Decoded, includes his eighth-grade report card, filled with Cs and Ds). He fondly recalls testing the patience of both his parents and the pilots at San Francisco International Airport when he and his friends, pedaling furiously on their bicycles, would race planes taxiing for takeoff on a remote runway. (Airport officials eventually fenced it off.) In 1967 he went to Vietnam, where he had been drafted to serve as a hospital corpsman in the Navy. As a relief from what he describes as "M*A*S*H without the jokes and pretty women," Venter, with the help of some Marines on China Beach, taught himself to sail 19-ft. (5.8 m) sailboats known as Lightnings. "When you're in the middle of a war, freedom is something you think a lot about," he says. "I always had a dream of sailing around the world."

Like many who live through a war, Venter returned a different man. He wanted to attend medical school and enrolled in community college and then at the University of California at San Diego. By graduation in 1972, he had become enamored of biochemistry and decided to pursue a graduate degree instead. He ended up taking a job with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Washington, walking the mazelike halls of the government building as a civil servant.

As energized as he was by the work, the ambitious and freethinking Venter chafed at what he calls the "bureaucratic hell" there and longed for the opportunity to test the innovative ideas he had for transforming the emerging field of genetics. In 1992 he secured private funding and created his own company, the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville. Within three years he completed the first-ever genome sequencing of an entire organism—Haemophilus influenzae, the bacterium that causes meningitis. The firm soon became a go-to place for sequencing projects, and it wasn't long before Venter hungered for the biggest prize in biology: the map of the human genome. In the 1990s such a project was almost unthinkable, a feat of mind-numbing complexity that involved determining the placement and makeup of every one of the human genome's genes, some of which can contain thousands of nucleotides.

By now, however, Venter had brainstormed a way to automate the process, pulling in supercomputers to do the work of recording each letter in all the necessary snippets of DNA and then knitting the fragments together in a simple and predictable way. If a page of text from a book were torn into pieces, it could be easily reconstructed as long as the tears were made at predetermined places — always before the word only, for example, whenever it appeared on the same page as the word and. Venter's system worked in a similar way, and in 1998 he brashly predicted that using his method, which he called shotgun sequencing, he could finish the map faster and less expensively than the government's $3 billion sequencing effort led by Dr. Francis Collins.

To ensure he'd have the resources to make good on that boast, Venter joined hands with global technology giant Perkin-Elmer, forming a new company called Celera, which took its name from the middle of the word accelerate. The Celera-backed Venter and the NIH-backed Collins briefly explored collaborating, but those efforts fell through, and over the next two years the two camps worked feverishly, occasionally volleying in the press over whose method was better or whose intentions were purer. Collins sniffed at Venter's plans to create a genome database whose basic map he would make available for free — as the NIH planned — but to charge anyone who wanted the data processed or analyzed.

In 2000, Venter delivered on his promise, finishing just ahead of Collins, but a government official who knew both men, hoping to quiet the feuding, brokered a truce between the groups, which included the sweetener of a joint announcement at the White House in 2000. President Bill Clinton lauded the completed genome as "the most important, most wondrous map ever produced."

The high times did not last long. Back at Celera, the competing interests of a free public database and a corporation's stockholders proved hard to reconcile, and just two years after the White House ceremony, Venter was fired by the board. For solace, he decided to get away. Still a sailing enthusiast, he hit on a grand plan to mimic the journey of the H.M.S. Challenger, the vessel that in the 1870s conducted the first global mission to sample life from the oceans of the world. Venter would circumnavigate the globe with a crew of scientists and sailors and every 200 miles (320 km) would dip canisters into the ocean at various depths, filter whatever life-forms floated in — mostly microscopic — and send them back to his newly created lab, the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville. Over 2½ years, the journey yielded 6 million new genes and 400 new microbial species. "Most people thought the ocean was a homogenous soup," Venter says. "But 85% of the species we found were unique."

As he shuttled between his ship and his lab, Venter was overseeing another, equally grand and potentially revolutionary science project: creating life in the lab. Among the organisms he and his team sequenced in the years leading up to the human-genome work was Mycoplasma genitalium, an unlovely bacterium whose preferred target on the animals it infects is evident by its name. That organism, which the team sequenced in 1995, has one of the smallest known chromosomes of any self-replicating life-form — just 485 genes. What, Venter wondered back then, was the minimum genome an organism needed to survive and reproduce? If you could figure that out, you could determine the basic DNA chassis of all living things and then use it to design your own souped-up or dressed-down versions of life.

A decade ago, the only way to establish whether the microbe needed a gene was to knock each of the 485 out, one by one and then in combinations, and see if the bug survived. By 2002, however, advances in both genetic understanding and gene-handling technology had leaped forward. Instead of having to deconstruct Mycoplasma genitalium, Venter's team could build it from scratch. This meant that whereas once they had to reverse-engineer the organism and see when it quit working, they could take the more elegant approach of assembling it from off-the-shelf nucleotides and seeing when it switched on — essentially building life.

But elegant does not mean easy. DNA's nucleotides are strung together like beads on a string, but because it adopts a crystalline structure, that string behaves more like glass. "Even doing normal things like pipetting the pieces would shatter it," says Venter. And although tiny in the microbe world, the mycoplasma's genome still required more than 580,000 nucleotides to assemble.

So Venter decided to start small, with one or two genes, and work his way up by splicing together longer and longer pieces of DNA. That very act of sticking them together proved to be a challenge, since the strands often fall apart. The answer was to design a section of Velcro-like DNA at the ends of each fragment. Since adenine sticks only to thymine and cytosine only to guanine, all the team had to do was end each strand with a nucleotide that would adhere to the one that began the next.

Such painstaking cut, study and paste eventually did the job. Not only did Venter's team members succeed in building their own mycoplasma at their own lab benches, they also took the opportunity to rewrite its genetic score. First, they introduced a mutation that would prevent it from causing disease. Then they branded it with a series of watermarks that would distinguish it as a product of their lab. Using a code built around selected genes, they spelled out five words that Venter coyly refuses to reveal, saying only that any molecular-biology study can suss them out and promising that there are no obscenities. The next step, which could happen in a matter of months, will be to insert the gene into a cell and see if it indeed stirs to life. "This team is betting its reputation that that will happen in 2008," Venter says.

Not everyone believes he will succeed — or if he does, that it will matter much. Corporate giants like DuPont already put synthetic biology to industrial use. In the company's Loudon, Tenn., plant, for example, billions of E. coli bacteria stew inside massive tanks. The bacteria's genomes contain 23 alterations that instruct it to digest sugar from corn and produce propane diol, a polyester used in carpets, clothing and plastics. The hard-working bugs churn out 100 million lbs. (45 million kg) of the stuff each day, and all it took was a little tinkering with their genomes, not the construction of a new one. "In terms of whether I can think of anything I can only do with a whole synthetic chromosome that I can't do now, the short answer is no," says John Pierce, vice president of technology at DuPont Applied BioSciences.

Collins, Venter's once and perhaps future rival, whose group at the NIH is also working on creating synthetic genes, echoes that doubt. "Suppose I have a pile of dirt in my backyard and I want to move it," he says. "I could spend months building the components, but I already have a lawn tractor, so what I need to do is add a front loader. Why not take the shortest path?"

Venter agrees that this all makes sense — but only if you accept a limited view of the science. He is not alone. "We are starting to turn the corner," says Jay Keasling, a bioengineer at the University of California, Berkeley. "The technologies are starting to be put in place, and it's crazy to keep doing biology the way we are doing it."

Still, after spending his career trying to digitize, quantify and standardize biology, even Venter recognizes that there may be some aspects of life that simply can't be understood without a nod to what he calls the "mystery and majesty" of the cell. Well before he became involved constructing artificial life, he christened his sailboat with a name that may reveal as much about that awareness as about what he is trying to accomplish: he called it Sorcerer.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is this the who you want as your representative?

She is but one of many.

China Press published an apology 'clarifying' that she mentioned the 1969 incident instead of 513. Is there really a difference?

If you endorse the statement below, please post this at your front page of the blog until Chew Mei Fun retracts her statement and apologize. [Click here for the Malay and Chinese versions of the Joint Statement


Say NO to the Spectre of May 13

- Chew Mei Fun MP must retract her fear-mongering statement and apologize

We,the undersigned civil society groups and concerned citizens of diverseethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds, stress that all Malaysianshave the right to choose their representatives and the government in afree, fair and clean election. No individual politician or politicalparty should resort to threats or intimidation to influence the voter’sdecision.

We lament that Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, MCA MP forPetaling Jaya Utara, as reported in the China Press on January 21(Monday), has conveyed this fear-mongering message to the public: “Ifthere is insufficient Chinese representation in the Barisan Nasional,it is not a good thing, the Chinese community cannot afford another May13 incident.”

The May 13 ethnic riot in 1969 was a darkchapter in Malaysia’s political history where political violence andmanipulation overshadowed the democratic process as well as the voiceof the people. Invoking the bitter memories of this tragic incident forpolitical gain is a huge insult to those who died, the survivingvictims and their families. This veiled threat to voters not to supportthe opposition parties is shameless and unbecoming of a responsiblepolitical leader.

If Chew is aware of certain quarters planningto use violence in response to a certain electoral outcome, she who hasbeen speaking tirelessly on public safety should lodge a police reportimmediately and assist in the police investigation.

If she ismerely speculating, we are truly disappointed that she has stooped solow in fishing for support. Politicians should not behave likegangsters. They should not use the threat of violence to solicit vote,as gangsters do to extort money.

By making this statement, Chew has in fact violated Section 9 (1) of the Election Offences Act 1954:

Undue influence

    9.(1) Every person who, before, during or after an election, directly orindirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, makes useof or threatens to make use of any force, violence, or restraint, orinflicts or threatens to inflict, by himself or by any other person,any temporal or spiritual injury, damage, harm, or loss upon or againstany person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrainfrom voting, or on account of such person having voted or refrainedfrom voting, at any election, or who by abduction, duress, or anyfraudulent device or contrivance impedes or prevents the free exerciseof the franchise of any elector or voter, or thereby compels, induces,or prevails upon any elector or voter either to give or refrain fromgiving his vote at any election, or who directly or indirectlyinterferes or attempts to interfere with the free exercise by anyperson of any electoral right shall be guilty of the offence of undueinfluence.

While waiting for the Election Commission toinvestigate and lodge a police report, we call upon Chew to do thehonorable thing. She should retract her statement and apologizeunreservedly for her fear-mongering act. She must condemn unreservedlythe use of political violence in Malaysia.

Voters must beassured of their right to vote for any candidate or party of theirchoice in an environment that is free from fear and intimidation.

Wealso call upon the Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi todisassociate his administration and party from Chew’s fear-mongeringstatement and condemn unreservedly the use of threats and intimidationon voters.

We must not let Malaysia become a failed state wherepolitical violence rules, like Pakistan. We must not allow any party to‘play with fire’. We categorically reject anyone who uses the spectreof May 13 as a bogeyman to threaten Malaysians.

All individuals or civil society organisations in support of democracy mayendorse this statement by displaying a copy of this statement on theirpremises, vehicles or the front page of their blogs or websites, untilChew retract the statement and apologizes.

Civil Society Organisations:

1. Group of Concerned Citizens (GCC)
2. SOS Penang
3. Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
4. Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT)
5. Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
6. Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
7. Labour Resource Centre
8. Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS)
9. Civil Rights Committee, KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (CRC-SCAH)
10. Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
11. Unit Pemikiran Politik, Institut Kajian Dasar (UPP-IKD)
12. Malaysian Voters Union (MALVU)
13. Research for Social Advancement (REFSA)
14. Citizen Think Tank
15. Artisproactiv(APA)
16. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
17. Youth For Change (Y4C)

For group endorsement, please email Medaline Chang at medster@gmail.com.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Uzbek pastor jailed for conducting Bible study

Accurately pointed out in the news article is the fact that Bible Study is a freedom most people take for granted.

Uzbek pastor jailed and deserted but still faithful

Posted: Monday, January 21, 2008, 14:02 (GMT)

A Christian pastor in Uzbekistan has been describing how he was arrested and jailed for eight years just for conducting Bible studies and having Christian books in his home – freedoms most people take for granted.

The police have come for him three times, his congregation has deserted him, his youngest daughter almost starved to death, yet still Pastor Salavat Serikbayev remains faithful to the Lord, reports Christian persecution watchdog Release International.

Pastor Serikbayev leads an unregistered Pentecostal church in the autonomous region of Karakalpakstan. He tells his story on video in the latest edition of World Update on the Persecuted Church, the award-winning webcast from Release International.

Under Karakalpakstan’s repressive religious policy only Muslim communities and a single Russian Orthodox parish are allowed to operate. All other religious activity is illegal.

Pastor Serikbayev, a former Muslim, was jailed in 1999 for conducting Bible studies, performing baptisms and having dozens of Bibles and Christian books in his home. But jail and several other brushes with the law have not stopped him from serving Jesus.

"I had a family including two children at that time," he says. "Still I was happy to suffer for Christ; this was something I could do for Jesus."

Undeterred he continued to lead a church. Then in February 2006, he was arrested again for his religious activities in Karakalpakstan. He was sentenced to two years of correctional labour, reduced to one year, and was made to cultivate plants in the desert.

He was in trouble again the following year when the police raided his church. Says Pastor Serikbayev: "I was at a monthly pastor’s meeting at this apartment. After half an hour, 15 of 16 policemen raided the meeting and said, why are you here? Many had no passports, so everyone was arrested and taken to the police station.

"I was charged with illegally teaching in an illegal meeting," he told Release International’s partners, The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada.

Pastor Serikbayev' wife Aitgul was confined to her home by authorities after her husband’s arrest.

Out of fear, Christians refused to help the family and relatives rejected them because of their faith in Jesus. Their oldest daughter Rachel, just two at the time, almost starved to death.

"I was not mad at God," says Aitgul. "I found in the Bible that man does not live only by bread, but the Word of God. Of course it was a hard time, but it was also a time of blessing."

Monday, January 14, 2008

Pastor Zhang MingXuan's 2nd Letter to President Hu JinTao

I got this from Christian Today and CAA.

I just heard Pastor Kong Hee from City Harvest Church, Sigapore talking about Meekness last night. (Speaking of Pastor Kong Hee, I wonder how many here can look past his dyed hair and celebrity wife to listen to the message he is sharing. I also wonder if I am permitted to step up to the pulpit if my hair is blond instead of black.) He said meekness (among other things) means to pray for those to are not nice to you. This is exemplified by Pastor Zhang. He also said meekness doesn't mean no power or weak.

He listed what meekness mean and another thing he pointed out is to SERVE those who are making life hell (not his exact words, my own paraphrase) for you. By this definition, I am not a meek person. At least not now.

The news article: (be sure to read the letter after the article. This is a man who faced tremendous persecution and yet lose not his faith and hope in God and his love for fellow men.)

House church leader sends open letter to Chinese president persecution

Posted: Sunday, January 13, 2008, 10:52 (GMT)

China Aid Association (CAA) has learned that several orphan children and their caretakers were forced to spend the night in a hotel room after having been evicted from their orphanage by local police officials on Christmas day.

The orphanage's caretakers, Ming Xuan Zhang along with his two sons, had prepared to celebrate Christmas with the children, but were in no way prepared to deal with the situation that unfolded that morning.

After presenting an eviction notice, officials then proceeded to beat the caretakers and the children until they were forced onto the street.

The Director of Security order of the Village of Sanhe, along with other government officials from the Religious Bureau and United Work Front Department, had threatened the landlord to stop renting land to Zhang and the children or face imprisonment.

Left with little choice, the landlord was forced to evict Zhang after five years of occupancy. The children slept in a hotel room as Zhang searched for space to rent for the orphanage.

Unfortunately, Government officials did not limit the Christmas Day eviction to a single affair. On three separate occasions, landlords were scared into not to renting space to Zhang and the orphans by threats of criminal charges and prison time.

Government officials continue to persecute Ming Xuan Zhang for his leadership role in the Chinese House Church. Affectionately known as "Bike", Ming Xuan Zhang has experienced severe persecution and has been imprisoned 12 times by Government officials, who are trying to isolate him from the Chinese house church alliance.

In 2006, US President George W Bush requested a meeting with Ming Zhang during his visit to China, but was denied by Communist Party officials. Zhang and his son were kidnapped at a train station after CPC officials discovered he had been invited to meet the President.

Zhang has written a second open letter to President Hu Jintao, in hopes of receiving relief from persecution. No response has been issued.

In his letter, he writes, "President Hu, the Land belongs to the Nation, but the district tells us arrogantly that it is his.

"They intimidate the populace, which brings great crimes to the Party, our Nation and the People, and destroys the great blueprint of building a peaceful society."

CAA said, "Government officials continue to hinder Zhang from renting space for his orphanage by threatening landlords who offer to lease to him. Zhang and the children continue to remain homeless as they search for permanent living space.

"We implore the international community and those involved to take action against the crimes committed against Ming Zhang and his orphanage.

"The eviction and closure of an orphanage on Christmas day, due to the religious persecution of its caretaker is behaviour that can not be tolerated of any Government or nation."

The Letter in English:

Pastor Zhang MingXuan’s Second Open Letter to President Hu Jintao

Posted Jan 10 2008

Second Letter to President Hu Jintao
Dear Respected President,
Merry Christmas! Today is Christmas Day. It is on this day that Jesus, the savior of the world, was born, which brings peace to China and around the world. Moreover, today is a momentous and joyous day all the world over. However, driven to desperation, I wrote you a second letter. Although I am not sure whether you can read it, I am sure that you will not be ferocious with me, an uneducated hairdresser. I would like to speak to you about the truth of the harmonious society that you have consistently advocated. Some corrupt political officials, who are always deceiving their superiors and subordinates, bring disgrace to you and our Party. I am determined to sacrifice my life for Jesus and our peaceful nation, even though I may be imprisoned or sentenced to death, if only for the hope that China will be really harmonious, strong, prosperous, free in religion, and full of love.
My orphanage was forced to move out of its building on Christmas Day. I am shocked as to how people would be able to drive these orphans out of their school and force them to be homeless. I have been preaching the Gospel and have done well for more than ten years in Beijing, but as of now I have become an opponent to the Party and our State. The police office, the Religion Bureau and the United Front Work Department in Sanhe City, have disregarded what they have heard at the conference of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the 18th of December. Instead they have struck the Chinese Home Church Alliance and have begun persecuting Christians even worse than before. What’s more, you have been emphasizing that our Party give fundamental consideration to the people’s interests, and unite the religious believers at large in hopes of achieving a better society. We are always trying our best to fulfill these goals. Why are they always treating me as an enemy?
Is it not natural for Christians to celebrate Christmas Day? It is a normal religious activity, which should be protected by the Constitution. Unfortunately, on Christmas day many tragedies have taken place in the homeland: five Christians were arrested in Shangqiu city Henan province; three were arrested in Yichun city Helongjiang province; orphans were forced to leave school and leave their home in Sanhe City, Hubei Province. What’s worse, the landlord was called and threatened not to let us spend Christmas Day in the home, by the Director of Security Order in the village. The plain-clothes police, head of police office, District of Dongba Town, Chaoyang Area, Beijing. The officials stated that if we spent Christmas Day in our church, they would confiscate the land contract. “The land is mine, and the house is yours; I will seize your contract, and dismantle your house; you will be put to prison by the Religious Bureau and police office and United Front Work Department”, the district pretentiously said to the landlord. The landlord dared not to disobey their orders, and we had to spend Christmas Day in a hotel on the 23rd of December. President Hu, the Land belongs to the Nation, but the district tells us arrogantly that it is his. They intimidate the populace, which brings great crimes to the Party, our Nation and the People, and destroys the great blueprint of building a peaceful society. Unexpectedly, these orphans and students were driven out of the yard (20 rooms), which was rented for five years by Chinese Home Church Alliance in Beixiangkou, Yanjiao Town, Sanhe City, Hebei Province. These homeless orphans were driven out by the town government officials, police office, Religious Bureau and United Front Work Department in Sanhe City with their ulterior schemes. The school (main in English and computer) was attacked by them on the 14th of October, and I was taken to be questioned by the chief of Religious Bureau in Langfang City, but he found me blameless. My phone was inspected and my personal freedom was kept under close custody during the opening of the Seventeenth National People’s Congress. A foreign teacher and some students were driven out by threatening students and orphans with their tricks on the 28th of October. The head of the village threatened to cut off the supply of electricity if we did not move out on the 18th of November. They cut off our electricity on the December 5; we had to buy a power generator, because the electrical engineer refused to help us. We had never gone against the electric energy consumption and paid our electric bill on time every month. Why would they cut off the electricity without permission? I called to the electric power supply bureau in Sanhe City for the reason many times on the 9th, 10th and 12th of December. I have heard nothing from them to this day. I brought a lawsuit against the electric power supply bureau of Sanhe City on December 17. The court in Sanhe City did not handle the case, instead, they asked me to look for the help of the municipal government, and I went to meet the minister of the United Front Work Department and the director of the Religious Bureau, but they both did not care. “It is none of our business”, they both replied. Around five o’clock in the afternoon, the landlord forced us to move. Liu Mingyi, the landlord, was threatened that his house would be demolished and he would become homeless, if I did not move in three days. These orphans were forced to give up school on December 20th. Children have rights to receive compulsory education, ensured definitely in article 2, 4 and 57 of “the Compulsory Education”. These orphans were driven out for the reason that they had no fostering certificate and residence permit. These children cried to go to school. The five orphans are respectively only seven years old, eight years old, eleven years old, twelve years old, fourteen years old. They have no capacity to live and they now have had to suffer and starve on the pavement. Perhaps they will endanger the society one day, which is not good for building the well-off society. The law becomes these officials’ means to persecute the common people. These officials are not the executors of the laws, but the bane of our nation and people. Is it not the peaceful society that we try our best to construct? “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Romans: 13/1). Therefore, we Christians stand on the right side of the law. However, it is written that on the Bible, “For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong” (Romans: 13/3). What these local officials do is in diametric opposition.
President Hu, I, Zhang Ming-xuan used to be a hairdresser, instead, today I have become God’s son, the disciple of Jesus, a pastor. I have been always obeying the word of God, submitting myself to the authority according to the teachings of the Bible. The Bible tells us to love the world like loving yourself, how can I show no emotion to these orphans. I was arrested more than twelve times by the police office and the Religious Bureau, but I was found not guilty and released. They strike the Chinese Home Church Alliance with all means, which would awaken more people of good sense, which also makes me believe in love and conscience. I believe China will become a nation of laws and a developed and religiously free country under your leadership.
I will pray for you!
Jesus Christ bless you!
Peace to you!
God bless China and all Chinese authorities!
President of Chinese Home Church Alliance
Pastor Zhang Ming-xuan
A quarter to eight on the 25th, October, 2007

The Letter in Chinese:


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公开信里, 张明选牧师列数自发表第一封公开信后尤其圣诞节当日孤儿院被迫搬家,5位孤儿被逐出学校被严酷打压的事实.直到最近全家人被停水停电被迫在半夜迁居3次,现在几乎到了无家可归的地步.

公开信最后说,”公安、宗教局等共抓我12次之多,未定我的罪,公安用各种方法打击家庭教会联合会,却只能让更多有良知的人觉醒,这更让我相信爱和良心。 但我相信,您所领导的好政策能使中国成为一个真正的法治国家,一个真正富强、宗教自由的发达国家,我一定会为您祷告,愿耶稣基督祝福您,赐给您一个强健的 身体,平安!”


House Church Alliance)会长张明选牧师给胡锦涛主席




胡主席,今天是圣诞节,是全人类的救主——耶稣降生并给中国和世界带来平安的日子,在这个本该普天同庆的喜庆日子里,我被逼无奈给您写第二封信,虽然不知 道您能否看到或听到,但我也知道您不会因我这个没有多少知识的剃头匠给您写第二封信就发怒。胡主席,您要问一下您所任用的官员们,我用真心诚实的话,来向 您说出您所一贯提倡的和谐社会的真实情况,有一小群民族败类和鱼肉人民欺上瞒下的贪官们,正给党和您脸上抹黑。我带着下监坐牢和死的决心,只要中国能真正 和谐、富强和壮大,宗教能真正自由,爱能在中国通行,我愿意为耶稣、为国家和谐付出生命的代价。

胡锦涛主席,今天是圣诞节,可我的孤儿院却不得不搬家了,我不明白,怎能在这个快乐的节日里使一群无辜的孤儿被赶出学校,又千方百计地逼我们的家庭教会的 孤儿院搬家?我十年来在北京传福音、做好事、行善事,到头来却成为党和国家的敌人。在您领导下的中国政府内,公安局、宗教局、统战部等部门为打击基督教家 庭教会,他们根本不听您在12月18日中共中央政治局集体学习会议上说的话,变本加厉的逼迫基督徒。您在会议上一再说,要坚持以人为本,最大限度地把信教 群众团结起来,让我们都聚集到建设小康社会的共同目标上来,我们不就是在做这些事情吗? 他们为什么对待我像对待敌人一样?

对基督徒来说,还有什么比圣诞节举行庆祝活动更理所当然的事情?这是正常的宗教活动,应当受到宪法的保护,然而神州大地正在上演的悲剧却是:河南商丘被抓 五人、黑龙江宜春市被抓三人、河北三河市逼孤儿院搬家失学、北京朝阳区东坝乡的乡长、派出所所长、片警、大队治安主任,把租房给我所在的东坝教会的房东叫 去,威吓不许我们信徒过圣诞节,如要过圣诞节,就把合同给收掉。乡长狂妄的说:“土地是我的,房子是你的,你若再让聚会我就收你的合同,扒你的房子,礼拜 天宗教局、公安局和统战部都来抓人。”房东不敢违抗,12月23号我们教会只好在一个酒店里过圣诞节。胡主席,土地是国家所有,而一个小乡长却口出狂言说 是他的,他们威吓百姓,为保他们能多当几年官,鱼肉百姓,给党、国家和人民带来了罪恶,破坏了您的和谐社会的伟大构想。更想不到的是,圣诞节大喜的日子 里,在河北省三河市燕郊镇北巷口村,我们家庭教会联合会租房东的一座院子20间房子,租期五年,住着我们收养的无家可归的孩子们,竟被三河统战部、宗教 局、公安局和镇政府用不可告人的诡计,迫害学生和孤儿们。早在今年10月14号,三河统战部、宗教局、公安局和镇政府冲击学校(学英语和电脑)的聚会,把 我带到三河与他们(廊坊宗教局局长)对话,但他们找不到我的错误。十七大会议期间,他们监视我的人身自由,监听我的手机通话,10月28号,他们又动用了 比上次更多的公安人员,威吓学生和孤儿,赶走英语外教,并用各种不可告人的手法把学生逼走;11月18号村干部又去人威吓孤儿们,说三天不搬走就停水、停 电、截断出入的路;12月5日,他们真把孤儿院的电停了,我们找电工,电工不给见面,无奈只好买了一台发电机。我们每月按时缴电费,从没违法用电,他们却 私自停电,这是什么道理?我于12月9日、10日、12日多次给三河电业局打电话追问停电原因,他们把电话号码记走后再无音信,12月17日我们起诉三河 市供电局,三河法院不受理,叫我找供电局找市政府,我就找到了三河统战部部长,宗教局长,他们讲政策法律,叫我去找电工查,不是他们的事,可到下午五点钟 他们又逼房东刘明义来叫我三天搬家,如果不搬家,就要把房子拆掉,房东说我若不搬走,他就要家破人亡;他们到20日又逼迫学校通知孤儿们不准上学(《中国 义务教育法》第二、四、五十七条等都明确保证儿童接受义务教育的权利),学校只好以要抚养证明和户口为由,把孤儿们赶出学校,孤儿们哭喊着要上学,他们有 7岁、8岁、11岁、12岁和14岁各一个,都还是未成年的孩子。今天是圣诞节,这群孤儿被学校撵回家来,孤儿们马上就要流浪街头,他们没有生存能力就无 法生存,也可能危害社会,这有悖于您向全国提倡的小康社会的和谐。国家的法律在掌权者手中成了迫害百姓的工具,做官的视法律于不顾,反过来祸害国家百姓, 难道这就是我们要创建的和谐社会吗?圣经上说,在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他(罗马书13:1),所以我们基督徒都诚心诚意的遵守国家法律,但圣经上也说, 做官的原不是叫行善的惧怕,乃是叫作恶的惧怕(罗马书13:3),这些地方上做官的为了自己得利,却偏偏做些让恶人得逞让善良的百姓惧怕的事。

胡主席,我张明选本是一个剃头匠,今天成为上帝的儿子、耶稣的门徒和教会的牧师,为此我一直都是遵上帝的话而行的,也按照圣经上的教导顺服掌权者,圣经要 我们爱人如己,看着那些孤儿,我怎么能无动于衷?公安、宗教局等共抓我12次之多,未定我的罪,公安用各种方法打击家庭教会联合会,却只能让更多有良知的 人觉醒,这更让我相信爱和良心。但我相信,您所领导的好政策能使中国成为一个真正的法治国家,一个真正富强、宗教自由的发达国家,我一定会为您祷告,愿耶 稣基督祝福您,赐给您一个强健的身体,平安!


中国家庭教会联合会会长 张明选牧师



Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sermon Notes – God Allows Us To Choose (03 Jan 2008)

God Allows Us to Choose

Gen 12:1-9 Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. (2) And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. (3) I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (4) So Abram went, as the LORD had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. (5) And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people that they had acquired in Haran, and they set out to go to the land of Canaan. When they came to the land of Canaan, (6) Abram passed through the land to the place at Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. (7) Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." So he built there an altar to the LORD, who had appeared to him. (8) From there he moved to the hill country on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. And there he built an altar to the LORD and called upon the name of the LORD. (9) And Abram journeyed on, still going toward the Negeb.

Gen 12:1-9

Gen 13:8-13 Then Abram said to Lot, "Let there be no strife between you and me, and between your herdsmen and my herdsmen, for we are kinsmen. (9) Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me. If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right, or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left." (10) And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered everywhere like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, in the direction of Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) (11) So Lot chose for himself all the Jordan Valley, and Lot journeyed east. Thus they separated from each other. (12) Abram settled in the land of Canaan, while Lot settled among the cities of the valley and moved his tent as far as Sodom. (13) Now the men of Sodom were wicked, great sinners against the LORD.

Gen 13:8-13

God gives us freedom to choose. In life, we make a lot of decisions. What we eat, where we go, what we do. Whether the trivial or in the more important matters, we make our choices. We often make decisions according to our own liking. Everything choice we make will have its consequences not only to ourselves but also to others. As Christians, we want to align our decisions / choices to God's will. We do not want to oppose or disobey God's will.

Sometimes we want God to choose for us because we think it's a heavy burden to make the choice ourselves. But God gives us the freedom of choice. This is the way he made us. The Bible is very clear that God has a purpose for everyone. God has already set up a plan for us even when we are still in the womb. But he doesn't force us. Just like our children, we cannot force them to follow our ways. We want them to understand and realize what's good for them and choose to live that way.

God called Abram before he changed his name to Abraham. God called him from his father's house and asked him to leave. God didn't reveal the destination. God promised his descendants will be as many as the stars in the sky. Abram and his father Terah came from Ai to Haran. God started to bless them. They are considered wealthy and lived a comfortable live. Imagine what went through Abram's mind when he was asked to leave his father's house. He is also the only child. Despite all these 'strong' reasons not to follow God's instruction, he did.

There was a famine in Canaan. They went to Egypt. Abram, feared for his own life because of his beautiful wife, asked Sarai to tell others she was her sister. Pharaoh took Sarai and gave a lot of gifts to Abram. Calamities fell on the Pharaoh and he realized Sarai was Abram's wife. He returned Sarai to Abram and they left with lots of possessions.

Later when Lot had a dispute with Abram on the land, Abram didn't argue with his nephew. He let him choose first. Abram was humble. He didn't bully Lot based on his age or status. Lot looked at the plains of Jordan. (Lot looked at the good land and ignore the evil there and what it could do to his family.) When the four kings captured Lot, Abram took 318 trained men to save Lot.

Abram is like Christ. He has power and he saved Lot.

There was a King of Salem, Melchizedek. He blessed Abram on his victory. Abram didn't let the victory and Melchizedek's blessings get into his head. He gave 10% of the spoils of war to Melchizedek. He then gave the rest to the king of Sodom.

Abram is seen in high regards by the three monotheisms including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Abraham was willing to offer up his only son of old age when asked by God. But God prepared his own offering.

We need to make three very important choices.

We choose to obey God (12 1:4)

God asked Abram to make three very hard choices:

  1. To leave his home land. They just moved from Ur of Chaldean to Haran.
  2. To leave his home.
  3. To leave his father. This could be the hardest choice to make,

In turn, God promised seven blessings:

  1. Land (12:1)
  2. Great Nation (12:2)
  3. His name will be great (12:2)
  4. He will be a blessing to many (12:2) – we received blessings not for our own but to bless others, as a vessel of blessings.
  5. Those who bless him shall be blessed (12:3) – we represent God
  6. Those who curse him shall be cursed (12:3) – we represent God
  7. Families of the earth shall be blessed (12:3)

God blessed Abram more than he could imagine.

When God calls us, we need to trust him. We don't depend on our own. When God blesses us, we must receive. When we walk with God, we need to focus on God and centre our lives on him. To walk with God, we need to be willing to follow his will. We are to put aside our own desire. Abram obeyed God. But he disobeyed God once. Instead of listening to God, he listened to his wife, Sarai, who asked him to bear a child with the Hagar, Sarai's maid. Ishmael was born because of this. He is the ancestor of the Arabians. Abram and Sarai didn't wait for God's timing. There are consequences in every choice we make. Abram's choice to listen to the wife has repercussions up until today.

Act 16:6-9 And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. (7) And when they had come up to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. (8) So, passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas. (9) And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."

Act 16:6-9

This is the Macedonian Call. Paul could dismiss the dream. He work in Asia was going well (v5). But when Paul obeyed God and went to Macedonia, he met Lydia who received the Gospel and led her family to know Christ. (v11-15). Paul also delivered slave girl from demon possession. Paul and Silas was put in jail. They prayed and sang hymns to praise God. There was an earthquake and all the doors were open. Paul and Silas were free to go. The jailer wanted to kill himself but he and his family were saved. The situation remained the same – he still need to be accountable to his superior. But he had hope now.

When we obeyed God, the following will happen:

  1. God will bring people to us. There will be salvations.
  2. The will be miracles
  3. There will be persecutions.
  4. There will be deliverance.

We choose to worship God (12:5-9)

In Genesis 8, Noah built an altar to worship God right after he came out from the ark. Worship means we want God to be with us in whatever things we do wherever we are at all times. We come to God with a prayerful and worshipping heart. Worship is essential in the life of a Christian not just on Sunday but in the everyday life. Abraham is known as the friend of God because he chose to worship God. (James 2:23)

Avoid the influence of sin (13:8-13)

Lot chose what he thought was good land. But the people in Sodom and Gomorrah were evil. When we make choices according to our own desire, we will miss the will of God.

  1. 1 Cor 6:18 – flee from immoral sins
  2. 1 Cor 10:14 – flee from idol worship
  3. 1 Tim 6:11 – flee from the greed of money
  4. 2 Tim 2:22 – flee from youthful lusts

Deu 30:19-20 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, (20) loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."

Deu 30:19-20

We are to make our choices carefully.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Does God Want You to Leave Your Church?

Check out the article here.

YOUR Bible Online?

This evening, while waiting for K to pick me up, I bumped into this wonderful tool from Christianity.com. It's an online Bible with references, footnotes, Red Letters and allows you to highlight scriptures. It's yours! All you need is a free registration. There are references, a library, devotionals, reading Bible in one year and even a sermon help section.

Then, after dinner (we had a late dinner), I found WordLive. Wow! Scripture Union has expanded to cyberspace! A free registration will get you an online Bible, podcasts, email subscriptions, RSS, etc.

God is good. This is my cup of tea.

1st Weekend of the Year

It's already the first Friday of the year. We are looking forward to the first weekend of the first working week. A few colleagues took leave to bring their children to school. I remember Jesse's first day in Standard One. I was there. I had a more flexible schedule then. It was an orientation.

His Standard One teacher didn't like him. Jesse was expressive and active. But praise God that he had good teachers for the following five years. He left primary school with 7 distinctions in his UPSR.

In a way you can say he is following his old man's (hey, this is the first time I refer to myself this way) footstep. I only had 4 As and 2 Bs in my Standard Five exam (I don't know what it's called. In Chinese it's 检定考试.) I remember I didn't pay much attention to it because I was told I would still go to secondary school regardless of the results. I remember when my form teacher announce the results, I suddenly got very excited because two of my friends got 5 As. I wanted to have 5 As if not more. Alas, I got 4.

But it was different in my SRP (now PMR). I just got to know God better. I read the Bible. I prayed. I didn't go to church. I just joined the Christian Fellowship in my school, Catholic High School. I had 8 A1s. There were only two of us. That was the beginning of my fall.

I became arrogant. I believe I could do everything. I didn't give God the glory that He alone deserves. I took 9 subjects in SPM (now still SPM) and TOEFL and O level English (1119). I got quite good score in TOEFL and A2 in 1119. Friends told me I am on the way to be a 10 As student. (Again, in our school, only two got As for 1119. The other one is good in English and so so in other subjects.) Alas, in the 9 subjects, I got half the As I got in SRP.

Still, I didin't wake up from my dream. I floundered in TAR College and I think I still have not really got back on my feet.

Jesse got 7 As in his UPSR, silencing all the critics and doubters. (I could wave the result slip in front of the Standard One teacher but that's not something I like to do.) He had a surgery to remove his nasal polyps in Nov 2005 thereby missing the entire month of extra class during school holidays (see Do You Take Care of Your Health and Jesse is Back Home!) and had to wear a cast for 6 months when a friend decided it was fun to push him. (Jesse wears a cast.) He went against all odds to get that result. God was with him.

Now, due to my influence and possible encouragement and definite lack of discouragement, he is obsessed with computer games. I have to take responsibility for this. This son who brought joy to my parents' hearts when he sang praise and worship songs before bedtime when he was four, who read the Bible in a year, who prayed for people to get saved, who always reminds me of God's grace is now hooked on a fictitious world (or worlds since he plays more than one game). Video message from China had no effect. (I got a brother to record a message using my iPAQ.)

I am sad. I have always wanted to be a good father. The reality is that I am not being a good father. I don't bring my son closer to God. I don't manage my household well. Hence, I will not be so big-headed to think I can do much in the house of God.

I feel very tired. I just want to stay away for a while. There are good people who are willing to do work for God. Some even willing to do bidding of man who claims to speak for God. I need a rest.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Translation - A Father's Prayer for His Child's First Day In School

I promised to translate this in May. Here it is now.

A father's prayer on the start of school

Act 2:39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."

Lord Jesus, today is the first day at school for my son. This tiny tot has been under our tender loving care since young. I can hardly bring myself to lead him to the school gate and bid him farewell. I am most fearful of the fact that he doesn't know how terrible the outside world is. The world today is so much different from the day I first went to school. Soon, he will find out the home he has been for six years is different from the outside world.

Father in Heaven, I pray that you will keep him within your powerful arms, help him to understand it is ok to be different, it is ok not to sweat, it is ok not to lie and it is definitely ok to follow what he has been taught at home.

The great journey of life will soon show its ugly side, faster than our time. In this fallen world, younger kids can get drugs from older kids, graphical images in the news and tv shows are filled with violence and gores and these things don't seem like they will disappear from the world.

Lord Jesus, I am also worried that he will begin to face a different set of values and views. He will be spending more than 30 hours in classes every week, far more than the time we will be spending together, please strengthen the foundation we lay for him since young. Even though he is still a child, we pray that you will help him to tell rith from wrong, to discern between truth and lies and that he can uphold justice even when he is alone.

O, Lord Jesus, the busy crowd is making me uncomfortable. Help him to choose friends. Help me as a father to know when to say yes and when to say no. We have been trying to help him understand that the most important thing to be righteous. But soon he will discover, this is not always the principle in the outside world. Father God, take his hand and lead him every step of the way.

Please help him to understand that not everyone can be trusted. But without trust between one another, we cannot establish lasting friendship and we will not be able to learn to love one another. I pray that God you will help him to remember all that we have taught him, whenever there is a villain, there is a hero; whenever there is an enemy, there is a friend. Where there are fallen people, there are also righteous people. Wherever there are temptations to make you fall, there are doorways to escape.

We hope that he can understand that if he does not try his best, he will disappoint us and you. But when he has tried his best, no matter win or lose, we will be proud of him. Lord, we pray that you will help him to realize that there is no shame in failure as long as he has tried his best. But if he is lying and cheating to win, then he is bringing shame to your name.

Lord, there is one more thing. I hope my son will be a strong Christian, not only know you and love you but can also become a leader, a light in the darkness of the world, to resist the enemy of today and to impact the world.

I shudder to think of what he may face. But when I think of the precious promise you gave to me, my child and those who trust in you, I am in joy. Thank you Lord, thank you for the blessed assurance. It allows me to bid adieu to my son in the school gate.