Sunday, March 13, 2011

SJG II–The Master’s Call 2 #dumcMY #fb

Francois Vosloo 13/03/2011
“The cell group that eats the most grows the most,” said Pastor Daniel.

Francois is the Associate International Director of OM. He and his wife Karen have been with OM for over 30 years. “Joining OM is a life sentence.” Another one from Pastor Daniel.

Francois is from Africa. He said he was white because he was born during winter.

The passage talked about the lives of four people. When they were called, they immediately dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus, unlike “good Christians” who would want to pray about it first.

They Saw Him

Andrew, Simon, Philip and Nathanael have seen Jesus.

In Mark 15, we read about the betrayal. Barabbas was incarcerated and sentenced to death for his crime. He heard the people shouting to crucify Jesus. He was released and let go. Imagine he followed the crowd to find out what happened. He saw the man on the Cross and recognized him as his former cellmate. Then he remembered that was the man who multiplied the bread and made the blind see.

Barabbas is the first one to have Jesus died in his stead. He has seen Jesus. Have we seen Jesus?

They Heard Him

Jews are sent to school since young. They had their bar mitzvahs. Imagine the Rabbi of rabbis called them. It’s an acknowledgement that they were the chosen people for God’s plan. We part of God’s plan.

One night, a doctor worked hard to help a mother in the labour ward. Despite all we could do, she died leaving the pre-mature baby and a 2 year old child. It would be hard to keep the new born baby alive since there was no electricity. The midwife students tried hard to keep the baby warm. They could not find warm water bottle anywhere nearby. They put the baby as near to the fire as it was safe. The doctor shared this for prayers. The 2 year old sister prayed to God to send a hot water bottle that day itself because it would be no good the following day, and also a doll for her. The doctor was not convinced to say amen. Who would send a hot water bottle to a place in the Equator? A parcel was delivered. He wanted the others to join him in opening the large cardboard box. There were medical supplies, rations, etc. The doctor put his hands in and thought, could it really be? Yes, it was a rubber hot water bottle. The sister rushed forward exclaiming if God had provided a hot water bottle He must also had provided the doll. As far back as 5 months ago, someone put in a hot water bottle. And someone else put in a doll to be delivered to Africa.

Francois asked us to close our eyes and image God on His throne in His majesty and glory. 6 billion people were in front of the throne. God reached his hands to us and told us we are precious in his eyes.
Francois could not imagined this. He wrestled with God for 2 weeks. He knew God from the Bible but he could not imagine himself on God’s lap.

Francois and Karen have 2 children. They are now 21 and 19. When they were younger, Francois remember they welcome him with hugs whenever he reached home. This helped Francois to remember the Father’s love.

To Andrew Jesus said “Come and see.”  To Simon, “I am going to change your name to Peter.” To Nathanael something else.

God calls different people in different ways. One the biggest sins of Christians is to compare to another in the body. We cannot ask the feet to hold a cup because it cannot. We are each designed for different functions.

They Followed Him

There is no part time Christians. We are not God’s sons and daughters part time. We are Christians and children all the time.

There is a difference between calling and profession. For example, God gifted a person with a passion to work with children. This person got all the required training and got caught up in the career, forgetting the call of God.

Jesus didn’t ask them to stop fishing. He just told them they are to be fishers of men.

Francois spoke in a university in US. A student, John approached him. He was part of a championship basketball team. His teammates told him to keep his religion and faith to himself. They have won 4 championships. At the last match, he prayed that his four teammates could know Jesus even if it costs his life. He has spent 4 years with them and this is the last match with them. They played a tremendous game. They were so far ahead during half time the could not lose. After the match, John received the ball and dropped it. He then fell on top of the ball and died. The wake service was so crowded.

The four of them (Andrew, Simon, Philip and Nathanael) made a commitment to follow Jesus – full time!

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