Friday, September 26, 2008

A leettle-a beet pertoorbed. Bork bork bork!

I em nut heppy thet I vesn't cunsoolted in erees I cuoold hefe-a cuntreebooted. Bork bork bork! I em elveys veelling tu help. Vhy luuk pest me-a? It's demureleezing. (Sheke-a heed).

I need tu meke-a a cunsceeuoos deceesiun tu let it get tu me-a oor oofercume-a it. Um de hur de hur de hur. Thet oozeers dun't recugneeze-a my ebeelity metters nut. Um de hur de hur de hur.


Anonymous said...

Hey what's the matter with the consultant and the consultations business here...and the demoralizing figure about...???


Just hope it is not that serious ye. :-/

Can you explain...perhaps in mail. :-]

Unknown said...

It has passed. Just a fleeting feeling.

Anonymous said...
