Friday, September 02, 2005

Passed a test

First, I'd like to thank God, who enables me and strengthens me. I am also in debt to all of you who has been faithfully upholding me in your prayers. I stand today because you lifted me up with your prayers.

This morning, I sat for the SAP Business One Consultant Certification exam. There were some technical issues that it didn't start at 0900 as scheduled. I was the first one to finished all 80 questions and I made myself looked through them one by one before I decided to go. I passed the exam (it is self-grading.) I should be getting my certificate in a few weeks time.

All glory to Jesus! He is the author and finisher of my faith.

I don't like to think I had pressure preparing for this exam. However, some of my colleagues did check to see if I was doing ok. I don't like to disappoint, especially when my peers look up to me. I cannot fail. Such is the burden I carry with me when I step into the exam hall (which is a training room.) But God is strenght of my heart. I breezed through the questions (hey, I had to pace myself, I was very eager to get it done.) Doubts clouded my mind before I press on the Finish Exam button. What if I get a score less than 80 (for 80 is the passing mark)? I quickly brushed it aside. I am not doing this for my personal vain glory. Whatever I do, I want to give glory to God. Now, I have another opportunity to do so.

You know, there is another added weight on my shoulder. My colleague, the GM has 'inadvertently' represented me as a certified consultant to a customer, who is also a Christian. Now I am a real one. Phew! What a relief. Sales people, tsk tsk tsk.

I am glad it is over. I don't necessary enjoy the adoration and respect of my colleagues. I always downplay it. I tell them anyone could have done it. With this nre status as a certified consultant, it will be the same. God forbid that I start getting all arrogant again.

I smacked Jesse this morning. This is partly due to the anxiety to get out of the house as early as possible. So much for reconcilation. It didn't last for a week. I still have lots to do. I have to dig up and re- read my Father Connection.

You have a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on passing your 'SAP' exam.It is indeed another 'miles stone' for yourself as well as 'spirit lifter' for your colleagues!Also,it is Glory Be To Your God!

Discipline is necessary on all growing up children.Do not feel guilty if you are disciplning your child with a good cause. Infact,you are doing more good than harm by teaching him.Read Dr James Dobson's book to justify your actions and teaching to your child.

Continue to be a concerned father.You should be having more growing ups to take care!