Monday, February 27, 2006

I have a tumour

I took Jesse to a checkup with his orthopedist. His elbow is recovering well. The cast will be removed in 1 month. Then we will have 6 weeks of physiotheraphy to remind the arm and wrist how to function.

I have a small lump on the top of my left foot. I asked the doctor to take a look. He examined it and confirmed it to be a ganglion. It's not cancerous.

This is a definition taken from the eMedicine Health website.
A ganglion cyst is a tumor or swelling on top of a joint or the covering of a tendon (tissue that connects muscle to bone). It looks like a sac of liquid (cyst). Inside the cyst is a thick, sticky, clear, colorless, jellylike material. Depending on the size, cysts may feel firm or spongy.
Interestingly enough, a ganglion cyst is also known as Bible cyst. And a treatment that is no longer advised is called the Bible therapy. That involves smashing the cyst with a book! Today, is is either left untouched, treated with aspiration (removing the fluid using a needle) or surgical removal.

So, I have a tumour but I'll be fine.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the interesting research on 'ganglion'.Thank God it's not 'gangrene'which is a more complicated medical problem.

So,we hope you will take good care of yourself and make sure you get back to doctor for treatment while we lift you up in prayers. :)

Charles Liang said...

Luckily it's not very serious, just Bible cyst! ha. Please take care of yourself. God Bless.