Friday, February 03, 2006

Just cartoons

Qu called me and asked me about the cartoons. I didn't know what they were until I did a little digging.

You can find them in this blog, in all their glory.

This is the beginning of the post.
4000 terror attacks after 9/11, the world was still slumbering. But 12 innocent satirical drawings in a Danish newspaper, the kind of cartoons printed daily by the thousands in newspapers all over the world, have changed the geopolitical situation.
Tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

Interesting blog! Great news! Cute cartoons!

Anonymous said...

Charles said 'Thanks be to Loong' for the latest blog!

And yes!I say of the same.....'Thanks for taking time to post such a great blog!'

Unknown said...

There are some fake pictures going around to further fan the fire.

The cartoons that have caused so much contraversy and at least 10 deaths in Afghanistan were reported to have been published in Egypt during the month of Ramadan last year!

You won't get this from the local news.

Lastly, read this and decide whether the outcry is against attack on religions in general OR just one particular religion.