Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Brick Testament - the Bible like you've never seen before!

Please go to the Brick Testament. It's a marvelous work. Children should like it. I know. I like it.

Here is the scene of Jesus getting baptised by John the Baptist.



Anonymous said...

Ha!So cute!The models in the pictures are like those from the 'lego'set.

I think the children as well as the adults will never get bored with such illustrations and presentations of the Bible stories.


Unknown said...

Glad you like it. God's message can be shared in many ways, some of them fun.

Charles Liang said...

I've hardly imaged there is such a fun way to tell Bible stories, just as a cartoon movie. very attracting!

The creators of these charactors and scenes most have spent a lot of time. haha!