Sunday, October 04, 2009

Be a Vessel that God Can Use

Becoming a Vessel that God can Use
Pastor Dr. Ling
04/10/2009 1045

(Jesse, instead of disturbing my note taking spotted some mistakes I made and offered suggestions to correct them. Praise God.)

God build His kingdom through His children. We are the channel with which God reveals His power. He shows His love through us. If we do not understand this, we will not understand how to be a vessel of God.

The Israelites wanted a king. God told Samuel to anoint Sail as the king. Saul fought for the Israelites and obtained much land. He was used by God. But he disobeyed God. He was given a chance the first time but he sinned again. God then asked Samuel to anoint David as the next king.

Saul is often compared with David. Some even think Saul is the caretaker king while David grew up. God had a reason to choose God.

1Sa 9:2-6   他有一个儿子,名叫扫罗,又健壮、又俊美,在以色列人中没有一个能比他的;身体比众民高过一头。  (3)   扫罗的父亲基士丢了几头驴,他就吩咐儿子扫罗说:「你带一个仆人去寻找驴。」  (4)   扫罗就走过以法莲山地,又过沙利沙地,都没有找著;又过沙琳地,驴也不在那里;又过便雅悯地,还没有找著。  (5)   到了苏弗地,扫罗对跟随他的仆人说:「我们不如回去,恐怕我父亲不为驴挂心,反为我们担忧。」  (6)   仆人说:「这城里有一位神人,是众人所尊重的,凡他所说的全都应验。我们不如往他那里去,或者他能将我们当走的路指示我们。」

1Sa 9:15-16   扫罗未到的前一日,耶和华已经指示撒母耳说:  (16)   「明日这时候,我必使一个人从便雅悯地到你这里来,你要膏他作我民以色列的君。他必救我民脱离非利士人的手;因我民的哀声上达於我,我就眷顾他们。」

1Sa 9:21   扫罗说:「我不是以色列支派中至小的便雅悯人吗?我家不是便雅悯支派中至小的家吗?你为何对我说这样的话呢?」

1Sa 10:9-10   扫罗转身离别撒母耳,神就赐他一个新心。当日这一切兆头都应验了。  (10)   扫罗到了那山,有一班先知遇见他,神的灵大大感动他,他就在先知中受感说话。

1Sa 10:22-24   就问耶和华说:「那人到这里来了没有?」耶和华说:「他藏在器具中了。」  (23)   众人就跑去从那里领出他来。他站在百姓中间,身体比众民高过一头。  (24)   撒母耳对众民说:「你们看耶和华所拣选的人,众民中有可比他的吗?」众民就大声欢呼说:「愿王万岁!」

Despite Being Imperfect We Can Be Used By God
Do not disrespect those used by God even though they may not appear excellent in our eyes.

God Use a Person Based On His Heart and Not According to the Outward Appearance

1Sa 9:1   有一个便雅悯人,名叫基士,是便雅悯人亚斐亚的玄孙,比歌拉的曾孙,洗罗的孙子,亚别的儿子,是个大能的勇士(或作:大财主)。

1Sa 16:7   耶和华却对撒母耳说:「不要看他的外貌和他身材高大,我不拣选他。因为,耶和华不像人看人:人是看外貌;耶和华是看内心。」

Even Samuel thought God chose Saul because he was taller than the rest. God told him He looks at the heart and not the outward appearance.

James reminded the church not to mistreat those who many not appear rich.

In 1 Sam 9:21, we see even Saul was unsure of his selection because of his background.

As long as we have a willing heart God can use us.

Pro 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

Even when we have talents or gifts, we need our heart at the right place.

God Uses a Humble Person

We read from the Bible the background of Saul and David. Saul went to find his father’s missing donkeys. David took care of sheep for his father.

They were both faithful in their tasks.

How was Saul humble?
1.       Faithful in small things. Saul went to look for donkeys.
2.       Be considerate. Be responsible. He was worried his father would be worried about them.
3.       Be willing to listen to others. He listened to the servant.
4.       Do not boast. Do not be conceited.

Pro 27:2 Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

Overcome Low Self Esteem and Act Timely

Man tends to be either overconfident or lacks self-confident. The earlier may go in front of God while the latter may become lazy.

Pro 26:13  The sluggard says, "There is a lion in the road! There is a lion in the streets!"

To overcome lack of self-esteem, we need to attempt what we are afraid to do. Do not cripple ourselves with lots of excuses.

Find visions from the needs around us.

1.      Are you a vessel usable by God?
2.      Where can you be a vessel of God?
3.      If not, why have you not through of becoming a vessel of honour for God?

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