Saturday, September 04, 2010

MPF I - Fire from Inside Out I

Pastor Daniel Ho, 04/09/2010
This is the first of a two-part series which is also the first installment of the Making Prayer Foundational (MPF) Series.
One of the first thing we throw out of the window when we are busy is prayer. It is also the one thing that causes fire to burn, to shake a place is a visitation of the Holy Spirit. Prayer invites God to work in our individual life and the church.
Scriptures in this article are taken from the Message.

Act 12:1-19  That's when King Herod got it into his head to go after some of the church members.  (2)  He murdered James, John's brother.  (3)  When he saw how much it raised his popularity ratings with the Jews, he arrested Peter--all this during Passover Week, mind you--  (4)  and had him thrown in jail, putting four squads of four soldiers each to guard him. He was planning a public lynching after Passover.  (5)  All the time that Peter was under heavy guard in the jailhouse, the church prayed for him most strenuously.  (6)  Then the time came for Herod to bring him out for the kill. That night, even though shackled to two soldiers, one on either side, Peter slept like a baby. And there were guards at the door keeping their eyes on the place. Herod was taking no chances!  (7)  Suddenly there was an angel at his side and light flooding the room. The angel shook Peter and got him up: "Hurry!" The handcuffs fell off his wrists.  (8)  The angel said, "Get dressed. Put on your shoes." Peter did it. Then, "Grab your coat and let's get out of here."  (9)  Peter followed him, but didn't believe it was really an angel--he thought he was dreaming.  (10)  Past the first guard and then the second, they came to the iron gate that led into the city. It swung open before them on its own, and they were out on the street, free as the breeze. At the first intersection the angel left him, going his own way.  (11)  That's when Peter realized it was no dream. "I can't believe it--this really happened! The Master sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's vicious little production and the spectacle the Jewish mob was looking forward to."  (12)  Still shaking his head, amazed, he went to Mary's house, the Mary who was John Mark's mother. The house was packed with praying friends.  (13)  When he knocked on the door to the courtyard, a young woman named Rhoda came to see who it was.  (14)  But when she recognized his voice--Peter's voice!--she was so excited and eager to tell everyone Peter was there that she forgot to open the door and left him standing in the street.  (15)  But they wouldn't believe her, dismissing her, dismissing her report. "You're crazy," they said. She stuck by her story, insisting. They still wouldn't believe her and said, "It must be his angel."  (16)  All this time poor Peter was standing out in the street, knocking away. Finally they opened up and saw him--and went wild!  (17)  Peter put his hands up and calmed them down. He described how the Master had gotten him out of jail, then said, "Tell James and the brothers what's happened." He left them and went off to another place.  (18)  At daybreak the jail was in an uproar. "Where is Peter? What's happened to Peter?"  (19)  When Herod sent for him and they could neither produce him nor explain why not, he ordered their execution: "Off with their heads!" Fed up with Judea and Jews, he went for a vacation to Caesarea.

Prayer Ministry of the Church

It is the engine room of the church.
It is the place where we see the beginning of work.
Sometimes we are so caught of of things that happened in our life that we neglect the important things at the background. Luke did not miss the people who prayed and also the miraculous work of God.
What is the most important part of the car? Some people polish their car. Some people install leather seats. Even if we have all these external stuff done nicely but the engine doesn’t work, it is of no use.
Act 12:5  All the time that Peter was under heavy guard in the jailhouse, the church prayed for him most strenuously.
It is the powerhouse of the body.
Act 12:12  Still shaking his head, amazed, he went to Mary's house, the Mary who was John Mark's mother. The house was packed with praying friends.
Peter was liberated from shackles, guards and even the gates. All this happened due to the prayer and intercession.
Lebih doa, lebih kuasa.
Sikit doa, sikit kuasa.
Tiada doa, tiada kuasa.
It is the epicenter of the community. The epicenter is where the earthquake is shaking most powerfully.
Prayer shakes not only the church but also the community.
Act 12:18-19  At daybreak the jail was in an uproar. "Where is Peter? What's happened to Peter?"  (19)  When Herod sent for him and they could neither produce him nor explain why not, he ordered their execution: "Off with their heads!" Fed up with Judea and Jews, he went for a vacation to Caesarea.
When we don’t pray, we are denying ourselves the chance of seeing God’s miracles.


What are the challenges of the Prayer Ministry in the Local Church?
1. Prayer is work and hardwork.
Luk 18:1  Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit.
Sometimes after a long period of prayer we get tired and we may give up. Jesus told us to be persistent. In the area of prayer, God is training us to be marathon runners and not sprinters, oak trees and not mushrooms.
2. Prayer is spiritual warfare.
Eph 6:18-20  In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.  (19)  And don't forget to pray for me. Pray that I'll know what to say and have the courage to say it at the right time, telling the mystery to one and all, the Message that I,  (20)  jailbird preacher that I am, am responsible for getting out.
We face many obstacles but sometimes the obstacles are we ourselves, we are shy. We are embarrassed. The evil one wants in as many ways as possible that we do not open our mouths to share the Gospel. We who are called by God must know that prayer is spiritual warfare and we must pray, even when we struggle. We must remember that the less we pray the more we may get into trouble.
3. We are just too busy to pray.
We delegate prayers to our spouses, children, intercessors and people with a heart for prayer. We have to slow down to pray. This is hard in the 21st century when life is on the fast lane. We live in a world of fast car, fast food and if we are not careful, maybe even fast death. When we pray, we must slow down and even be still.
Luk 24:49  What comes next is very important: I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay here in the city until he arrives, until you're equipped with power from on high."
The original Greek (καθίζω) means to be seated down.
We are too busy not to pray.
A father asked his son studying law in England whether he really wanted to come back. The son said the country is so bad he cannot not come back.
Act 1:14  They agreed they were in this for good, completely together in prayer, the women included. Also Jesus' mother, Mary, and his brothers.
4. Prayer is a cultivated habit.
Luk 11:1  One day he was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said, "Master, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples."
Eating chicken feet, duck’s tongue and crocodile tail are cultivated habit. They are cultivated tastes.
Prayer doesn’t come naturally to us. We seriously pray often when we are in trouble. Prayer has to be cultivated. We need to learn to pray and to intercede. One of the best says to learn is to hang around people to pray and intercede. We can then witness the grace and the power of God in our lives.

The Importance

What is the importance of the Prayer Ministry in Church
1. Teaching of Jesus
Luk 18:1  Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit.
Jesus taught us many times about prayer. We should carry on praying as part of our Christian life.
2. Lifestyle of Jesus
Mar 1:35  While it was still night, way before dawn, he got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed.
Jesus got up early in the morning to spend time with the Father. We should do the same. It’s just wonderful quiet time with God, to realign our lives with the will of God.
Luk 5:16  As often as possible Jesus withdrew to out-of-the-way places for prayer.
We need to swing between two poles – external and internal. We should schedule in our annual calendar a time when we take off with just our Bible and our journal. It will do wonders to our heart which usually pumps like crazy. Listen to God. Sometimes we run so fast we do not stop to listen to what God is telling us.
3. Example of the early Church
Act 1:14  They agreed they were in this for good, completely together in prayer, the women included. Also Jesus' mother, Mary, and his brothers.
Act 2:42  They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.
Prayer is weaved into the natural life of the very first church congregation.
Act 4:24  Hearing the report, they lifted their voices in a wonderful harmony in prayer: "Strong God, you made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them.
Act 4:29-31  "And now they're at it again! Take care of their threats and give your servants fearless confidence in preaching your Message,  (30)  as you stretch out your hand to us in healings and miracles and wonders done in the name of your holy servant Jesus."  (31)  While they were praying, the place where they were meeting trembled and shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak God's Word with fearless confidence.
The boldness came when the people of God pray. They look to God and God gave them courage. They were empowered by their prayers.
4. Emphasis of Apostle Paul
Col 1:9  Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works.
Paul mentioned praying that is ‘non-stop’.
1Th 1:2-3  Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night you're in our prayers  (3)  as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father.
Some of us are what we are because of the prayers of our parents and friends.
5. Practice of God’s people in history.
They shook up the community.
One example is the Azusa Street Revival in the early 20th century. One man (William J. Seymour) started the Pentecostal movement which grew to 600 million members today, making it the largest Protestant denominations in the world.
Jeremiah Lamphier was appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church to go to New York during a bad recession. He invited the business people to gather for prayer on a day in 1857. He was there noon. There was no one there. At 1230, one person joined him. Eventually, only 6 people turned up for the prayer meeting. Within 1 month, 40 turned up. 6 months later, 10000 came for prayer. In 2 years, 1 million came to know Jesus. The weekly meeting became a daily event. They shook the portals of heaven and release the grace and power of God. All started with one man who decided to be obedient. More details here.

questions for discussion

  1. What is one challenge from Scripture you are faced with in your prayer life? How are you correcting this and what results do you hope to see in the coming days?
  2. What part are you playing or going to play in teh prayer life and ministry of the church? What encouragement do you receive from Scripture and from church history? How can you be an encouragement to one another in the cell and in the church?

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