Monday, December 22, 2008

Wardrobe Malfunction

It was about 1230. I went to the washroom before I went out to get lunch. The zip stopped working. The slider came off from one side. I struggled for a while to get it back. But I didn't trust it anymore. Not with a training going on at 1400.

I went to pick up the my house keys. Then I went out to get a taxi. No luck. I walked further. Same. I went back to the office to try to call one. Jane who was on duty gave me a number to call. No answer. Her attempt on another taxi company was met with an engaged tone.

I called my Fatt, my brother. No answer. I tried once more to think if there is a place nearby to get a new pair of pants. Nope. Didn't think so. Fatt called back. I told him my predicament. He said he had a meeting in Cheras at 1430 but he had time.

So, he sent me home to change. When I got back to the office, lunch time was almost over. I decided not to eat and just prepared for the training.

The training was wonderful. Truly interactive and productive. It was fun too. I am most glad that my colleagues were serious in learning up the system.

I am now in front of the idiot box (the one who watches it is not necessarily an idiot, mind you.) It's Monday night! It's TV-marathon with America's Got Talent, Burn Notice and Criminal Minds. Normally I would fall asleep halfway through Criminal Minds. I remember when we got 3 CSIs back to back on Monday nights. Those were the days!

p.s. The LG Cookie could prove to be an even bigger temptation to be than McDonald's. Each TV commercial I see gets my heart pumping faster. Phew. It's tough resisting the temptation to get one. iPhone is one thing with the price. LG Cookie? Hmm ...

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