Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I left on time today, oops, I mean yesterday (it's now 0033, Tuesday.)

I finished off a last minute request by a colleague and joined K. She let me drive. K dropped Jesse for his tuition class in Uptown. So, I went there for dinner.

We then picked up Jesse. I came out from the Uptown area passing by OCBC and 7-Eleven. Kathleen commented that OCBC was still open. I was moving to the right lane (the one before the ramp) to prepare for a U-turn towards Damansara Jaya when we heard a long and loud honk (beep) from a motorcycle. The rider beeped all the way passed me from my right and then rammed into a 4WD in front of me.

Jesse speculated he was giving me warning so I would not hit it. However, he did not look at the stalled traffic in front. I moved out and proceeded home.

I have half a hear to get down even though it was really not needed. K remarked how God protected us.

Praise God!

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