Sunday, March 01, 2009

Blogging from LCCT

Here I am, very early in the LCCT terminal waiting for my flight. It's now about 1712 and the flight is scheduled for 1845. I booked my seat so getting ahead of the queue is not an issue. But I am always paranoid. I firmly subscribe to Murphy's law. Once I was late for a MAS flight to Singapore and we took a Singapore Airlines flight to Changi instead of landing in JB. That cost a lot of money.

As I prepare myself mentally and emotionally for my training in Bangkok, I still a burden.

I have shared in a previous blog (in Chinese) and at the moment it is not permissable for me to share more details. I'd like to say I am prepared for the worst but I am not sure if I have.

When I was sitting for my SPM. a friend of a friend whom I have grown a fond relationship with considerd not taking the Biology paper because it was too tough for her. I told her I'd help. And that she could come to my school for some last minute revision on the day itself. I told her if she didn't take the paper, I would not. Not taking  paper would have dire consequences. She didn't turn up, my friends told me she would take the paper so I did too.

Being more 'mature' (really?) and have more commitment and responsibility now, I don't make such rash decisions anymore.

I have an idea how I would like things to turn out. But that's what I want. It may not be what she (my friend in the current situation, not the one who took her Biology paper) wants.

I saw this quote in the Burger King joint in Mutiara Damansara (the three of us went there two nights in a row for supper! So much for eating healthy!) Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. In this case, I can only pray for her to have both success and happiness.

I have lots of happiness as far as my work is concerned.

And I am using Happiness in Kingdom of Loathing. It's a gift from a clan member. It helped me tremendously.

I wish I could be as helpful as I want myself to be.

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