Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Golden Compass - where does it lead you?

I have seen the poster of the Golden Compass (that's an upcoming movie, in case you are wondering) a few times and I was attracted by the picture of a young girl with her huge polar bear ally. I am a sucker for children. Anytime a child is in good hands, I am happy.

I told Jesse a few times that I wanted to watch this movie - that's a rarity. I seldom 'want' to watch a movie let alone actually going to watch one.

I did some research on the movie and found more information.

The Golden Compass as it is known in the US is based on the novel Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. Northern Lights is part of a series called His Dark Materials. The novels are said to clearly reject organized religion. It tells of a group of Magisterium, a dominant religious authority which condones the abduction of children for experimentation. The author is reported to have utter disdain for the Chronicles of Narnia (because of it's Christian connotation.) His Dark Materials is supposed to be a head on retaliation.

I have not seen the movie or read the books. But I understand that in His Dark Materials, 'god' is a frail old being whose power is usurped by his 'angels'. He is killed in the 3rd and last book.

This movie (as watered down as it can be) and the books are widely criticized by the Christian (and Catholic) world. The Archbishop of Canterbury however stood up for Philip Pullman. Dr Rowan Williams thinks that the books can be taught as part of religious in school against the dogmatism and religious oppression.

I think we should go back to the root and not just the money-making movie. We should examine the books and the message it is trying to convey. A study of the character of the author is also important. If the man is an open atheist and is known to attack the Christian belief, we should be wary.

Just like if an out of the closet lesbian is part of the team of a particular Bible version, I'd steer far far away from that version, no matter how many people love that version.

We don't even have enough time for the Word of God. Let's stay away from that which can corrupt the mind.

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