Friday, October 12, 2007

When is the time?

I have discussed this with many people and I get different opinions. The issue at hand is when do you go full time? I am talking about serving God full time. (I have been said to be working 'extra time' or 'part time used as full time'.)

Of course, the premise for this discussion is that you do have the calling.

Some think that when everything you do is not smooth, that's the time. Others (like me) tend to thing that we want everything in place before we submit to the call.

The former argument is based on the idea that God is trying to steer us to the correct direction but we are not sensitive. An example often cited is Noah. You cannot run away. But those too quick to 'heed the call' before we get the call may fall into their own trap.

The latter idea smacks of ego. We think we play a larger role than we actually do. We also display a lack of dependence on / faith in God. This could actually be used as an excuse to delay going into the ministry.

I think God has His perfect timing. He has the best thing in store for us in the best possible time and best possible situation. We sometimes want to rush / delay things. We are stubborn.

I read one article from the BBN (Bible Broadcasting Network) website. A middle age person just lost his job again and asked his pastor if that's a sign for him to go into full time ministry. The wise pastor explained that when a Christian face trials, there are always two kinds of responses he can be like the carrot or the egg.

Carrot is hard. But when it is placed in hot water for a while, it softens. The egg on the other hand is fragile. But once it went through boiling water long enough, it hardens. Those who have faith will come out stronger after trials. Those who have little faith will come out weaker. Which kind of Christians are we?

Back to the issue of when is the time to go full time. I think we need to exercise our faith when we step out. So, the financial position, level of equipping, etc. matter little. The one thing that counts is whether He has called. If He says now, then it's now.

Let's work while there's time. Full time or otherwise. When do you go full time? When He says so. When do you serve God? Now.

I count as loss every moment not spent loving God. We can extrapolate from there that

I count as loss anything not done to honour God
I count as loss every word not said to give glory to God / edify others / testify His wonder
I count as loss every thought not focused on God

You get the idea.


Anonymous said...

Yes! The idea is 'gotten'. :-/ (refer to the last paragraph)

Anonymous said...

Obey Him directed...

It is not so crucial whether it's Full Time,Part Time or Overtime.

But...perhaps,better not say ' No Time' ;D