Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Patience I have little bit

I was going to write about how I remained cool, calm and collected through two small incidents to day. In the first one, I was more of a third party enlisted to help. The issue didn't matter to me directly. So, no problem even when emotions run high.

The second one has to do with me. The colleagues from the south reported an error with a report. I asked them to elaborate. I got tired of waiting (hey, if the figures are not correct, who gets chased?) and checked the report thoroughly. No problem. I emailed back and Skyped them. A few minutes later, they confirmed there was no problem. Just 'confirmation' and 'thanks for your information.' There is no remorse. No embarrassment for not doing their part to at least do a check. The panic button is overused.

Either way, I myself almost started to pull off my hair. (Almost is the keyword.) I found that I could not drag emails from one folder to another in Outlook! That is like a given. Yes, I could right click and then choose Move to Folder. But I want to drag and drop! Then I found out there are others who experience this problem, some as far back as NT 4.0, so as recent as XP. Then I found out that I could not even drag my desktop icons! Even the touchpad didn't work.

I rebooted. Drag and Drop came back ... for awhile. I rebooted again. It worked again ... for awhile. Then, after frantically searching for solution to no avail and prayers, it worked again, hopefully this time for good.

This is something so simple. Drag and Drop. It was there since the early days of Windows 3.0 (that's the first version of Windows I used.) It has improved a lot since then. It's easy to take it for granted. Only when I temporarily lost it that I started to appreciate it. Lord, thank you for Drag and Drop. Lord, thank you for the people around me.

What if Google is down? Now that's a catastrophe of very big magnitude to this Learner. I don't even want to think about it. Lord, thank God for Google.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! T GOD F Gooooogle........