Monday, March 24, 2008

Stepping back to see the bigger picture

In a short span of a few days last week, I received the same message.

I am reminded of Bruce (played by Jim Carrey, a perennial favourite of mine since In Living Color) driving madly while ignoring the multitude of signs telling him to turn back.

The message is simple. Take a break. Step back. Look at the big picture.

I thought I have when I relinquish all the things that 'no one else could do.' Perhaps my heart was still looking after them. I need to really settle down.

In God's grace and with his blessings, we restarted our family altar time. I am at the same time appalled and guilty at the lack of interest of Jesse. His mind is filled with Maple Story and Counter Strike and any other games in between. If we have DOTA at home, he'd spend even more time playing.

K is right. I am responsible for this. To talk the young people's language, I dabble in the games myself. What I didn't realize was I could pull myself out easily what with my role as a father, wife and hardworking worker in the company. But Jesse and his friends are still young and they don't necessarily have the willpower to set their priorities right. My involvement in the games, however brief is seen as an endorsement. Now, it's very difficult to undo what was done.

I am not giving up. These are fine young people we are talking about. If I could got them to be interested to learn about Psalm 23, the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, the 10 Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, there is no reason they cannot love the Word of God again.

An olive branch is extended to me and I received it. It matters not if it's sincere or not. I will follow God's principles as closely I can. A spade is a spade. Heh.

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