Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Stress Level = Medium

I ran a Stress Level Evaluation on My Stress Level is Medium. I was advised to drink more water, sleep 20 minutes earlier (ha ha) and walk 30 minutes three times a week.

I see myself as the type that is too relaxed. Nothing much jolts me.

What scares me? Organized crime / triads / gangsters when I was in high school.

Other than that, I am generally not afraid of the sky or the earth. (That's a Chinese expression.)

I think I am also very perasan. I am very sensitive about people 'ignoring' me. I keep this to myself. And sometimes it takes a while to take away the feeling, whether is unfounded or otherwise.

Oh, yes. I think my heart (the one that pumps blood) is most strained when my wife is driving. More so when we are late. I'd normally close my eyes and talk to Jesus. I kid you not. She's good in driving. She never had any problem. In fact, there was once on the highway, the car in front of us hit the barrier in the middle and turned 180 degree and halted, facing us. She was driving. She pounded on the horn and stopped our car just in time. She later explained that the horn was to warn those cars behind us. If it wasn't for her quick reflexes and superb driving skills, Jesse would be alone today and you will not see this blog post while not leaving comments.

Ok, I'll try to sleep early today.

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