Monday, August 25, 2008

His eyes are on the sparrows

When I was in high school (other people go to secondary school, I went to high school because I went to Catholic High School), I played squash. I was not a bad player either.

I had the privilege to learn both the zhuyinfuhao (bopomofo) AND the hanyupinyin. I had the blessing of learning both the traditional and simplified Chinese characters. I was in transition in both accounts.

The year I entered CHS (Catholic High School) was the year they converted from a boys school into a co-ed. It seems like everything was good for me but I digress.

I used to go to CHS even before I started studying there. I was staying in Kepong then. My father ran the canteen (there were two competing operators.) So, me and my siblings would go help at times. A nice 6-court squash building was build before I started going there.

Now, those were nice squash courts. I remember there was a sale in the school. I had my mind set on a squash racquet even thought I wasn't playing squash then. Dad said I need to ask my mon. Mom was working in SMDJ then. I called from a public phone. No answer. I 'presevered' until I got her on the line. She allowed me to buy the racquet. And that started my squash 'career.'

Ok, there were six courts. 4 a row and 2 in another row where the entrance was. Everybody's favourite court is court number 5 because that's the one right at the entrace. It's in the open and not hidden. We got to show off our skills and styles.

Once day, I was playing in court 5 as usual (only for VIPs like me who is a committee member of the Squash Club.) One of my hit was way too high and hit the netting that separates the top part of the courts. The ball hit a sparrow which for whatever reason was sticking its head through the net. The ball decapitated the bird. the head fell in my court while the body fell in the neighbouring court 4.

That was many years ago.

This morning, Kathleen and Jesse asked me to get up even thought it was not my time to get up yet. You see, they had to leave earlier since Jesse had to be in school early. They had to leave by 0700. My dad picks me up at around 0740. So, it was ok for me to sleep until 0730.

So, at 0553, they were asking me to get up. They also mentioned something about a bird. I later found out a bird was found inside the toilet bowl (Sparrows have a tendency to be in weird places, don't they?) and it was struggling to stay alive.

Jesse told me if I continued sleeping it would drown and it would be flushed away and it would be in my hands. Actually he didn't mention the last part. He just implied it. If there are two persons in the world who know how to get me moving, it would be my dear wife and my dear son. That woke me up. Grudgingly, I got up and put on my glasses. I went to the toilet and saw this small little bird floating in the toilet bowl. It was trying to keep it's head above the water.

I gently reached it and carried it out. I brought it downstairs. I asked for the dryer. Kathleen told Jesse where to get it. I then slowly blew it dry and kept it warm. When it could move, it fluttered its wings and 'glided' underneath the piano. I pulled it out gently by the tail and blew more warm air on it. I then placed it outside the house hoping it would fly away. It remained stationary. The air was crisp and cold. But I wanted to give it a chance to fly home I I left it outside.

I went back to sleep. When I came down later, I noticed it was no longer there. I know not if it has mustered enough strength to fly home or if a cat has gotten to it. I did pray for it.

So much for animals getting into my house. At least this is not slimy.

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