Monday, August 25, 2008


Let me count my blessings.

I have Saturdays off - from work, from church. I have Saturdays only for myself and my family (especially my little nephews and niece).

But recently, I had to give up the privileges of carrying my niece and nephews on Saturdays.

I helped with a sports carnival in Kota Damansara. Well, I got to spend time with Jesse.

Then last week, Kathleen arranged for Jesse and I to attend a special children program by a Taiwanese team in Kota Damansara (KD is just a co-incidence.) As my experiences tell me, listening to Kathleen is always good because they almost always bring positive and good resuilts.

I was glad I was there. The young people in the team were led by two teachers. They came from broken families. Some have both parents as drug addicts. Some have gone in and out of juvenile dentention centre and the centre gave up on them. Some are mentally challenged. But the teachers have this burden to work with the children together with a native (native as in orang asli) pastor. They worked together to entertain the children while helping the teachers to educate them. Their strategy is to let the children learn while having fun. Fun we had.

I later learned that they worked and saved for 1 year before they could make this trip. Now, tell me that's not love.

Despite tremendous challenge and obstables, they made it (here, to share the message of Jesus.) There were many children in attendance who didn't know Jesus. They sat through the whole time. That's no mean feat.

Well, truth be told, some of the answers to the IQ questions were wrong. But that's the fault of the teachers. :) As for the young people who were dressed in yellow t-shirt, they each did their part as a team and they engaged the children. I have great respect for them. They found a purpose in their lives. I can only pray they will continue to find fulfilment in serving Him.

How many of us who come from affluent families, have good education, are bright, are healthy, are strong and yet did so little or nothing? I am once again humbled but my fellow brethens.

On 07 Sep 2008, I will once again take the mic for a community event. Not only will I miss spending time with my family - actually all it not lost as I could still JIP (join in progress) the shopping and lunch and get a chance to talk to my little chubby niece - I also will miss two lecures by Ron.

I know, once I put my hands on the plough I should not look back. I should have counter the cost before I carry the Cross. I am not making excuses. I am weak. I have wants and needs. I want to rest (and play computer games). I need to be with my families. But I also crave to do what I can for God. This last sentence may sound boastful and reeks of pride. But to me, there is nothing to it. I make no secret that I like to do that (doing things for Him.) And I am very wary and cold towards any praise or credits given to me. (That has something to do with a past experience but I am not going to talk about it now.) Giving me an opportunity to serve Him together is already reward enough for me.

So, I work from Mondays to Fridays. Sometimes I work late. On Sundays, I go to church service in the mornings and the evenings. I am only slightly more relaxed on Saturdays. But that is also the day we hold events from time to time.

Before I know it, there are already plans for mid-autumn festival and Christmas.

So, what do I do? I shall stay in the furnace a while longer. I will remain there as long as I can.

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